Monday 25 December 2017


In the corperate level strategies, there are divided into 3 stages, which are Grand Strategies, Secondary Level Strategies and Tactical Level Strategies. Corporate level strategies related to top management level, for the benefit of the whole organization, for the welfare of corporations in future and to bring it at higher position. 

This post is going to share with you about Grand Strategies. Grand Strategies is divided by 4:

  • Growth Strategy

                 To ensure next years growth rate is higher than the previous year

  • Stable Growth Strategy

       To target a growth rate similar to that as achieved in the previous year 

  • Turnaround Strategy

             A choice when the company has been experiencing a bad spell and at a certain time decides that it needs to do a turnaround

  • Combination Strategy

      some of the components will have to go down in order for its other components to go up. 

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